Coordinating Creativity: How International Collaboration Is Turning Up the Dial on Heating & Cooling Innovation
The concept of the “the Comfort and Climate Box”, an integrated heating and/or cooling unit, is one of the noteworthy ideas that originated from the discussions at the first workshop for Mission Innovation Challenge 7, Affordable Heating and Cooling of Buildings. Conceptually the “the Comfort and Climate Box” is equivalent to the Turing Machine for computing; taking multiple inputs of energy sources and using these and storage to meet heating, cooling and power demands in the most optimal way (be that lowest carbon, lowest cost or lowest impact on the electricity grid). The concept integrates the findings of the Challenge priority areas into the definition of a common and identifiable deliverable. The further development of this idea is being discussed with representatives of the relevant IEA’s Technology Collaboration Programmes.
The IC#7 workshop was held in Abu Dhabi on 1st and 2nd November 2017. The Priority Area Leads from the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, the European Commission, India, Sweden and Australia presented the main findings of the preparatory work on each area during the plenary sessions and stimulated the discussion among the participants during the dedicated parallel sessions.
Please find more information, the workshop report and workshop documentation here.