The 14th triennial International Storage Conference, held in Adana – Turkey – has received many positive reactions. The conference organisations has welcomed over 220 guests form 24 different countries on this three-day conference.
During the conference there were 17 keynote speeches from well-known energy storage and industrial experts. EnerSTOCK also offers researchers from around the world the possibility of presenting their work in papers and (poster) presentations in 27 technical sessions covering all energy storage technologies, R&D, and policy aspects. The organisation received 163 papers, which are available in the proceedings of the conference. If you wish to receive these proceedings, please contact the organisation of EnerSTOCK 2018. Selected papers will be published in the special issues of the following scientific journals: Applied Energy, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Solar Energy, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy and Energy Research.
Opening speech bij Fatih Birol
In his opening speech, Fatih Birol, Executive Director of the International Energy Agency, emphasised the importance of energy storage for our future energy system. He stated that the magic word for integrating more renewable energy resources in our energy system is FLEXIBILITY. Storage may be the most economic flexibility option. However, the succes depends on how it is operated and regulated.
Fredrik Setterwall Award
At each stock conference, the organisation hands out the Fredrik Setterwall award to an individual to an individual, company, private or public institution that has shown extraordinary achievements in bringing thermal energy storage to commercialisation. This year professor Mohammed Farid from Auckland University, New Zealand, won the Fredrik Setterwall award for his innovative solutions that brought PCMs to practical use in the market. Two of his recent projects that have been commercialized are ‘PCM for cooling Lithium ion batteries’ and ‘Use of PCMs to improve existing in-farm cooling of milk’. The reviewers argument that these projects are pioneers and have been an inspiration for many young researchers.
CLIMATOR Best PCM Paper Award
In memory of their founder Rolf Ulvrengen, CLIMATOR company from Sweden hands out the CLIMATOR Best PCM Paper Award at each stock conference. This stock conference the award went to Arcelik A.S. from Turkey for their paper on the Application of Phase Change Materials in Household Appliances. This paper contributes highly to the knowledge about the use of PCMs in household appliances. The reviewers think that in the light of the current changes in our energy system this is extremely important and therefore deserved this award.
Best Paper & Poster Awards
During the conference best paper and poster awards are also given to:
- Shoma Fujii, Ko Nakaibayashi, Yuichiro Kanematsu, Yasunori Kikuchi and Takao Nakagaki from Japan for their paper on the development of a zeolite boiler in thermochemical energy storage and transport system utilising unused heat from sugar mills – Best Paper on Thermochemical Storage;
- Valeria Palomba, Vincenza Brancato, Davide La Rosa, Andrea Frazzica from Italy for their paper on latent heat storage for low-grade heat applications – experimental and numerical analysis of a lab-scale prototype – Best Paper on Latent Heat Storage;
- Fatma Erzin, Hasan Burak Akar and Yeliz Konuklu from Turkey for their paper on Cellulose-Based Phase Change Material – Best Poster.
One of the highlights of the conference was the Children’s Art Exhibition on the topic of Energy and Climate Change. The artwork was prepared by young talented artist (age 3 – 16) from the BILSEM Workshop in Turkey, and from Sweden. All Turkish young participants were present during the opening ceremonie, carrying the flags of partner countries.
Following EnerSTOCK conference
TCP on Energy Storage thanks the organising committee and conference chair, Halime O. Paksoy of the Curkurova University for their kind hospitality and organisation of the conference.
We are pleased to announce that the following EnerSTOCK conference will be held in Slovenia.