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EnerStock 2018 – the Earth Cannot Wait!

  • April 25 – 28, 2018
  • Adana, Turkey

“The Earth Cannot Wait”

 Our global energy system is changing rapidly driven by Climate Change and new policies and actions coming from the Paris agreement.
This, in combination with a growing energy demand by industries and consumers worldwide, is the setting for our current energy
challenges. An energy transition is taking shape, where fossil fuel is rapidly replaced by renewable sources of energy like wind, solar, bio,geothermal etc. In that transition the need to match the variable (renewable) production to different load profiles in energy consumption is now becoming a crucial parameter. It is not only a matter to produce enough renewable energy; it is also a matter to have enough renewable energy available at the right time of consumption. Energy storage is therefore crucial for a successful energy transition.

EnerSTOCK 2018 conference, which is organized in cooperation with International Energy Agency Technology Collaboration Program on Energy Conservation Through Energy Storage (IEA-TCP ECES), is the triennial conference presenting and discussing the state of the art in research and deployment on energy storage.

The 14th International Energy Storage Conference – EnerStock 2018 – will be held in Adana, at Çukurova University, 25th of April till 28th 2018.

You can register here for the conference. Please find more information about the program, papers and awards on the website of Enerstock 2018 – The Earth Cannot Wait!